Rajya Sabha has taken up the Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023 for consideration and passing. The Bill seeks to simplify the online process of title verification and registration of periodicals by the Press Registrar General of Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI). The Bill has provisions related to the circulation and verification of newspapers. It also has a provision for prior approval of the Central Government for the publication of facsimile editions of foreign periodicals in India. According to the Bill, a publisher of a periodical may make an application to the Press Registrar General for revision of particulars of the certificate of registration, or for revision of title. The Bill has a provision for the Appellate Board to be called the Press and Registration Appellate Board consisting of the Chairperson, Press Council of India and two members to be nominated by the Press Council of India, from among its members.
Moving the Bill, Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur said, the Bill is aimed to simplify the registration process of newspapers, magazines, and periodicals. He said, the registration process will be completed in the stipulated 60 days period. He said, earlier, the registration process involves eight steps, and now it will be done in only one step. He said, according to the provisions of the Bill, publishers of newspapers and periodicals have to give online applications to the District Magistrate and Press Registrar of RNI.