Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said Jal Jeevan Mission is a major development parameter of a state to provide water to every household. Addressing the 1st All India Annual State Ministers’ Conference on Water via video message today, January 5, Prime Minister, said in our constitutional system, the subject of water comes under the control of the states and the states efforts for water conservation will go a long way in achieving the collective goals of the country.
The Prime Minister informed that the country is constructing 75 Amrit Sarovar in every district wherein 25 thousand Amrit Sarovars have already been built so far.
Prime Minister drew attention to the role of public and social organisations and civil societies and asked for their maximum participation in the campaigns related to water conservation. He said when the public is associated with a campaign, they also get to know the seriousness of the work. Due to this, a sense of ownership also comes in the public towards any scheme or campaign he added.