Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that Government is giving special focus on creating capacity for country’s fast-growing aviation market. He said, Government has simplified processes and procedures and is ensuring that there are no bottlenecks for the aviation industry. Mr Scindia said this while addressing curtain raiser event for the Wing India 2024 in New Delhi this evening. He said, efforts are on to take the number of airports, heliports, and waterdromes to more than 200 in the next three to four years. The Minister said, the domestic passenger number was 60 million in 2014 and it rose to 144 million in 2019. He said, Aviation sector recovery has been V-shaped post-Covid.
Civil Aviation Secretary Rajiv Bansal in his address said that major airports of the country are growing and many of them have already implemented the expansion plan. He said, currently India is connected to less than 100 destinations globally, but there is a huge potential to improve international connectivity. Mr Bansal said, there has been growth in the small aircraft segment. He said, newer airports are getting inaugurated under the UDAN scheme and it will enable more people from tier-2 and tier-3 cities to come to the domestic aviation map.