PM Modi laid the foundation stone and dedicated to the nation various development projects worth around Rs 7500 crores in Raipur, Chhattisgarh today. He dedicated and laid the foundation stone for 5 National Highway projects worth around Rs 6,400 crores. The Prime Minister also dedicated to the nation the doubling of 103 km long Raipur – Khariar Road Rail Line which has been completed at a cost of Rs 750 crores, a 17 km long new railway line connecting Keoti – Antagarh developed at a cost of Rs 290 crores. Further, the Prime Minister dedicated to the nation a bottling plant of the Indian Oil Corporation with a capacity of 60 thousand metric ton per annum at Korba constructed at a cost of over Rs 130 crores. He also flagged off Antagarh – Raipur Train via video link. Further, the Prime Minister initiated the distribution of 75 lakh cards to the beneficiaries under the Ayushman Bharat.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister remarked that today’s occasion is extremely significant for the development journey of Chhattisgarh as the state is receiving development projects worth more than 7000 crores in the sectors like infrastructure and connectivity. He underlined that the projects of today will make the lives of the people easier and strengthen the healthcare system in the state. He also emphasized that these projects will give rise to employment opportunities in the state while also benefiting the paddy farmers, mineral industry and tourism industry of Chhattisgarh. “The projects of today will mark a new journey of development and convenience in the tribal areas of Chhattisgarh”, the Prime Minister said as he congratulated the people of the state for the projects. The Prime Minister emphasized that the delay in the development of any given region is directly related to the lack of infrastructure, Hence, the Prime Minister continued, the government is prioritizing infrastructure development in those specific regions which have lagged behind in terms of development. “Infrastructure means ease of living and ease of doing business. Infrastructure means employment opportunities and fast-paced development”, the Prime Minister asserted. He said that modern infrastructure development can also be witnessed in Chhattisgarh where in the last 9 years, road connectivity has expanded to thousands of tribal villages of the state under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana. He noted that the Government has approved projects of about 3,500 km long National Highway where about 3000 km have also been completed. The Prime Minister also mentioned that Raipur-Kodebod and Bilaspur-Pathrapali highways have been inaugurated today. “Be it rail, road, telecom, the Government has done unprecedented work in Chhattisgarh in the last 9 years to boost all forms of connectivity”, he added