Both the Houses of Parliament adjourned for the day following an uproar by the opposition parties on the Manipur violence issue. In the Rajya Sabha when the House met for the day, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar said, he has received 47 notices under rule 267 on the situation in Manipur.
Mr. Dhankhar said, he had already admitted short duration discussion over the matter and the government has already expressed its willingness for it.
Members from TMC, Congress and others tried to press their demand to have an immediate discussion on Manipur under rule 267 by suspending all the business of the House. The Chairman expressed displeasure over the conduct of TMC MP Derek O’Brien and later adjourned the House for the day. Earlier, the House gave a farewell to Rajya Sabha MP from Goa Vinay Dinu Tendulkar who is going to retire this month.
In the Lok Sabha when the House met after the first adjournment at 12 Noon, opposition members from Congress, TMC, DMK, JD(U) and others trooped into the well, raising slogans over the Manipur issue. They were demanding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement in the House. Amidst the din, the House passed three legislations.