Senior BJP leader and Union Minister for Personnel and Training Dr Jitendra Singh has said that during 2004 to 2013, the number for recruitments stood at two lakh 7 thousand 563 through the Staff Selection Commission whereas it was four lakh 691 during the last nine years under the Narendra Modi Government. Briefing media at the party headquarters in New Delhi today, Mr Singh said, through the UPSC, during 2004 to 2013 period, there were 45 thousand 431 recruitments whereas these were 50 thousand 906 during the last nine years under Modi Government.
He said, through the Railway Recruitment Board, there were three lakh 47 thousand 251 recruitments during 2004 to 2013 period under the UPA and on the other hand, the number stands at 4 lakh 30 thousand 594 under the Modi Government in the last nine years. The Minister said, in the NDA Government post-2014, as regards the employment, it have been both quantitatively and qualitatively better than the nine years before the year 2014 under the UPA Government.