Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking in Lok Sabha a day after Congress’s Rahul Gandhi’s attack on his government, pointed at the 10 years of UPA rule, which had “bled the country dry”. Replying to the motion of thanks to the President’s address in parliament, launched a strong attack on the opposition and the 10 years of UPA rule in the country. “2004 to 2014 was the decade of scams and violence and the UPA’s trademark was to turn every opportunity into crisis,” he said.
The Prime Minister accused the opposition of being so “immersed in despair” that they can’t see the progress the country is making. “And why wouldn’t it be so? Because in the decade between 2004 and 2014…” he said, launching into one of his sharpest attacks on the Congress.
“Before 2014, between 2004-14, inflation was high. That decade was the most corrupt since Independence. In UPA’s 10-year rule, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, the entire country was gripped with terrorism. From J&K to the northeast, the entire region saw nothing but violence. In those 10 years, India was so weak at the global stage, no one was even ready to listen to India. Between 2004 and 2014, the UPA turned every opportunity into a crisis,” PM Modi said, cheers from the BJP members.