Raksha Rajya Mantri Ajay Bhatt complimented the NCC for the success of Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan in removing plastic and other waste material from sea shores, riverfronts and other waterbodies. He was delivering the inaugural address of Joint State Representatives and Additional / Deputy Directors General (JS R&A/D) Conference of the NCC held at New Delhi on 12 October 2022. He said that the efforts by NCC to train and mould the youth to become responsible, disciplined and motivated citizens is commendable and that it has been highly appreciated by people from all walks of life.
JS R&A/D is a biennial event attended by the Senior representatives of Ministry of Defence, including Dr Ajay Kumar, Defence Secretary, Lt General Gurbirpal Singh, DG, NCC, the NCC heads of various states and representatives of state governments. As the functioning of NCC activities is a joint responsibility of the Central and State Governments in terms of policies, finances, administrative and other aspects, this conference provides a platform to plan, implement and coordinate the NCC activities by various stakeholders.
Lt General Gurbirpal Singh, DG, NCC underlined the need to establish well equipped training & camping infrastructure in all states to ensure high degree of incentive and motivation for the cadets. The representatives from the states affirmed their commitment to promote and help the NCC in terms of infrastructure, training facilities, compensating benefits to cadets and funds in their respective states.