The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi launched Mission Schools of Excellence at Trimandir, Adalaj, Gujarat today. The Mission has been conceived with a total outlay of 10,000 Crores. During the event at Trimandir, the Prime Minister also launched projects worth around Rs 4260 crores. The Mission will help strengthen education infrastructure in Gujarat by setting up new classrooms, smart classrooms, computer labs and overall upgradation of the infrastructure of schools in the State.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said that today, Gujarat is taking a monumental step towards the creation of the Amrit generation for the Amrit Kaal. “This occasion is going to serve as a milestone for a developed India, and for a developed Gujarat”, the Prime Minister said. He congratulated all citizens, teachers, youth and the upcoming generations of Gujarat for Mission Schools of Excellence.
Throwing light on the recent development of 5G technology, the Prime Minister remarked that although we have used the 1st to 4th generation of internet, 5G will usher in a transformation across India. “With every passing generation, technology has connected us to every small aspect of life”, Shri Modi continued, “Similarly we have seen different generations of schools.” Highlighting the capabilities of the 5G technology, the Prime Minister said that it will take the education system beyond smart facilities, smart classrooms and smart teachings and take it to the next level. “Our younger students can now experience the power of virtual reality and the internet of things in schools”, he said. The Prime Minister expressed happiness that through the Mission Schools of Excellence, Gujarat has taken the first and most significant step in the entire country. The Prime Minister congratulated the team of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel for this monumental achievement.