The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi addressed the ‘Chintan Shivir’ of Home Ministers of States today via video conferencing. Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister complimented the preparations of the law and order personnel for a peaceful atmosphere during the festival season. He said that the Chintan Shivir is a prime example of cooperative federalism. The Prime Minister said even though law and order are the responsibility of the states as per the constitution, they are equally related to the unity and integrity of the country. “Every state should learn from each other, take inspiration from each other, work for the betterment of the country, this is the spirit of the constitution and it is also our responsibility towards the countrymen”, he said.
Referring to the ongoing Amrit Kaal, the Prime Minister said that during the Amrit Kaal, an Amrit generation will emerge carrying the essence of the ‘Panch Pran’. “‘The Panch Pran’ must be the guiding force for good governance,”’ he said.
The Prime Minister said that when the strength of the country increases, then the power of every citizen and every family in the country will get a boost. He said, “This is good governance where benefits reach even the last person standing in the queue in every state. The Prime Minister emphasized the link between the law and order system and the development of the states. “It is very important for the entire law and order system to be reliable. Its trust and perception among the public are very important”, he pointed out. He noted the growing identity of NDRF and SDRF during times of natural calamities. Similarly, the arrival of police at the spot of a crime is taken as the arrival of the government and the Police’s reputation got a boost during the Corona period also, the Prime Minister said. He stressed that there is no dearth of commitment and perception of the police needs to be further strengthened. Guiding them in this regard should be our ongoing process, he emphasised.