Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs,Nirmala Sitharaman, inaugurated the Competition Commission of India’s (CCI) Regional Office (West) in Mumbai, here in a virtual event. Union Minister of State for Ministry of Corporate Affairs Rao Inderjit Singh also graced the occasion with his presence via video conference. The Regional Office (West) in Mumbai is the third regional office opened by CCI, after Regional Office (South) in Chennai (inaugurated in February 2021) and Regional Office (East) in Kolkata (inaugurated in April 2022).
In her address,Sitharaman, congratulated CCI for opening regional office in Mumbai and remarked that easy access of CCI to businesses is important for facilitating ease of doing business. The Finance Minister also complimented CCI for publishing its advocacy booklets in various regional languages and added that such steps empower people in having better access to the regulator. On rapidly evolving digital markets, Smt. Sitharaman stressed on the need to address the competition issues arising out of them, by benchmarking against best practices at the global level. The Finance Minister said that a proactive CCI brings in confidence in the minds of people who want to access it for relief and will help people well prior to issues going out of hand.